Leading edge fall protection
Leading edges are unprotected sides that develop as construction takes place. These unprotected sides pose a fall hazard for workers, which is why fall protection measures need to be taken. However, leading edges ‘move’ as additional sections of a floor or roof are finished, and as such the fall protection solution chosen must be adaptable.
Leading edge safety
The ever changing nature of leading edge work is part of the difficulty for providing safety. Another aspect is that these types of edges are often rather sharp. So any solution that should protect workers from a fall, or that arrests a fall should it occur, must be able to withstand the cutting ridge. You would not want a worker to fall, have their fall arrested, but have their lanyard tear due to the contact with the sharp edge and fall further because their equipment failed.
To take leading edge work into account some lanyards are equipped with sharp edge protection. This is a protective layer that prevents tearing should the lanyard come into contact with sharp edges. This is also a very helpful attribute when working in environments where other sharp objects may come into contact with the lanyard, for example pointed stones or jagged metals.
As for the ever changing location of the leading edge, fall protection measures need to be adjusted. As the structure changes different hazards may arise, so a flexible risk assessment attitude needs to be in place. After all, with a proper assessment the risks to workers’ health and safety become evident. Then a suitable method can be chosen to combat these hazards.