What to wear when working at height?


Working at height is one of the most dangerous activities in construction, maintenance and facility management. Not only are workers exposed to the elements, but also to the risks of falling. The use of fall protection safety equipment and personal protective equipment (PPE) saves lives daily.

In this blog we will look at the PPE you should wear for safely working at height. From specific PPE for preventing falls to standard PPE for keeping employees safe. While equipment goes a long way, we always urge caution when working at height.

Collective protection

Collective fall protection always take priority over personal protection measures. Installing equipment such as guardrails, for example, will transform the entire roof into a safe zone were no fall protection PPE is needed. However, there are plenty of situations where guardrails cannot be installed and PPE will be the lifeline of a worker.

roof guardrail solutions

PPE for fall protection

The specific PPE that should be worn for working at height is determined via a risk assessment. Equipment ranges from fall restraint (preventing falls altogether) to fall arrest (stopping a fall when one occurs).

A restraint system consist of a full-body harness, a work positioning lanyard and a connector, which the user can connect to an anchor point. The length of a lanyard prevents a user from falling over the edge of the roof, and the safest way to prevent this, is to use a lanyard with a fixed length.

In the case of a fall arrest system the user also wears a full-body harness and has a connector to hook up to an anchor point, the lanyard however has an integrated energy absorber specially designed to minimize the impact of a fall on the human body. The length and strength of the materials are all determined by the situation.

Additional protection

Additionally to specific fall protection PPE, such as a harness and the correct lanyard, those who work at height should wear proper protective clothing, footwear and hard helmets. Some job sites also require the worker to wear protective gloves, hearing protection or safety glasses.

Protective clothing

Protective clothing should be comfortable to wear, compatible with other workwear, not limit movement, and not be too loose, as to prevent snagging. Ideally pockets should be able to be closed off completely to prevent items falling out. For working at height long pants, that leave no skin exposed, are required. Preferably in combination with knee pads.

The clothing should also help protect workers from environmental conditions. In the cases of extreme weather conditions more clothing may be required, such as a jacket with a large hood that can be worn over a helmet. On the other end of the spectrum, workers are just as likely to be exposed to sunlight. To protect workers from heat-related illnesses they should wear head protection and cover up skin. Please pay attention that no clothing hampers the fit of the harness!

Footwear to prevent slips

Proper footwear is very important in minimizing fall risks. Rooftops, or outside walkways, can get slippery for a number of reasons, for example dead leaves or rainfall. Even workers who need to work at height indoors can face slippery surfaces due to saw dust or oil spills. Footwear must have really good grip in order to prevent slips, but it should also be hard to protect feet from falling objects. Next to this, safety shoes should be comfortable and fit correctly to ensure full stability and prevent exhaustion.

Choosing the right fall protection PPE

We’ve gone over some of the PPE used for working at height. As every situation differs, so does the equipment. There is no one-size fits all when it comes to working safely. Employees should determine what fall protection measures and PPE are needed for workers at height. They then need to provide their employees with the PPE and the instructions for use. It is the responsibility of the buyer, in this case the employer, to ensure that the PPE conforms to local legislation and OSHA standards.

More information

Choosing the right PPE for fall protection can make a huge difference, not only in comfort but also in safety and in preventing serious injury. We believe that anyone working at height should be able to trust their fall protection PPE completely. Our PPE, therefore, is of the highest quality available. Download our PPE brochure and discover the possibilities for your company.

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