Partner: AllRisk valbeveiliging
Country: The Netherlands
Solution: Horizontal lifeline system (★★★)
The Johan Cruijff Arena (formerly known as the Amsterdam ArenA) is the largest soccer stadium in the Netherlands and also functions as concert venue for large national and international artists. The arena was one of the first soccer stadiums in Europe with a retractable roof.
XSPlatforms fall protection, installed by our Dutch partner AllRisk, makes it possible to maintain, inspect and repair the ArenA in a safe and responsible manner.
Fall protection to facilitate window cleaning
The corridor of the ArenA contains various windows that allow a view of the stadium square. To facilitate safe window cleaning above the existing stairs, various lifeline systems have been installed. These system are mounted on the wall, above the windows.
Camera maintenance on stairwells
Camera surveillance is of great importance for the ArenA. To enable safe maintenance access to the cameras on top of both the North and South stairwells, AllRisk installed 2 lifeline systems at these locations.
In addition to installing XSPlatforms fall protection, our Dutch partner AllRisk is exclusively responsible for annual inspection and maintenance of all fall protection systems. Next to these systems, that AllRisk supplied, the workers in the ArenA make use of several pieces of fall protection Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) by XSPlatforms.